The pre-Lent season starts on Sunday with the feast of Septuagesima announcing, in the colour of the vestments, that Ash Wednesday and Lent will soon be upon us.
It's like a warning light to tell us to prepare for 40 days of penance and not to decide to give up chocolate biscuits or alcohol or meat until Shrove Tuesday.
I always emphasise to my teacher trainees that preparation prevents poor performance and instils us with positive confidence. I think this applies to the spiritual life.
We also need to prepare to make our Easter duties - Confession and Holy Communion from Ash Wednesday until Trinity Sunday.
The Mass on Sunday at St. Patrick's, Bradford at 1.00 p.m. will be a Low Mass with confessions at call.
I am delighted to be able to report that again we will celebrate the Sacred Triduum this year at St. Patrick's and that each of the ceremonies will be sung. The times will be announced nearer to Holy Week.
Please remember Gloria Malone in your prayers. Gloria is often at at Mass at St. Patrick's but is suffering from pneumonia in the Infirmary at the moment.
Update: I understand that her condition is improving.