Latin Mass Leeds
The Latin Mass Leeds blog is here to raise awareness of the activity related to the Extraordinary Form of Mass (also known as the Traditional Latin or Tridentine Mass) in the Diocese of Leeds and to promote and publicize other issues of interest to traditionally minded Catholics. This blog has no official links with any other organisations.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Lent II
Friday, March 7, 2025
Lent I
Mass for the first Sunday of Lent at St. Patrick's on Sunday is at the usual time of 1.00 p.m. The Gospel recalls the temptation of Jesus after his own retreat.
There was a good attendance at Mass on Ash Wednesday and Fr. Driver said he is looking forward to coming back on Sunday.
Confessions at call.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Memento homo, quia pulvis est et pulverem reverteris
The Ash Wednesday Mass at St Patrick's, Bradford, tomorrow will be a Low Mass preceded by the distribution of ashes at 7.00 p.m.
Confessions available before Mass.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
This Sunday is Quinquagesima and the Mass at Patrick's will be a Low Mass at the usual time of 1.00 p.m.
Last Sunday's filming of the Mass went really well - thanks to Fr. Simon and the wonderful crew who gave freely of their time to ensure a smooth transmission. I've had various suggestions as to how to improve it next month (March 23rd.) Fr. Simon is more than very proficient in Latin and I admire his talent at it.
Next week is Ash Wednesday. Mass at St. Patrick's will be at 7.00 p.m. Confessions before Mass.
A reminder that we have the Sacred Triduum again this year thanks the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.
My daughter and I and two of my grandchildren will be walking in the footsteps of Monsignor John O'Connor and GK Chesterton from St. Anne's, Keighley to the Myddleton Calvary at via Sacred Heart, Ilkley on Saturday 29th. March whilst praying for vocations to the priesthood.
In your prayers please remember Monsieur Jean Pierre Barriere who used to attend Mass at St. Patrick's with his wife, Pat. Jean Pierre is now seriously ill and receiving palliative care.
Last but not least please remember Pope Francis in your prayers as he fights double pneumonia in Rome's Gemelli hospital.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Sexagesima and important new initiative
This Sunday is Sexagesima Sunday and Lent will soon be upon us.
Tomorrow's Mass from St. Patrick's at 1.00 p.m. will be livestreamed on this blog's new YouTube channel. We are taking baby steps and for the next couple of months we will be livestreaming once a month (from tomorrow) until my confidence and expertise in this area increases.
Please be assured that members of the congregation will not be identifiable as the camera will be focused on the action at the altar and I've told my daughter that she needn't put on her best coat!
I hope in time to increase the number of livestreamed Masses which will be also available as catchups after the event.
Please take a look at the link and "subscribe" - it is, of course, free to do this.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
The pre-Lent season starts on Sunday with the feast of Septuagesima announcing, in the colour of the vestments, that Ash Wednesday and Lent will soon be upon us.
It's like a warning light to tell us to prepare for 40 days of penance and not to decide to give up chocolate biscuits or alcohol or meat until Shrove Tuesday.
I always emphasise to my teacher trainees that preparation prevents poor performance and instils us with positive confidence. I think this applies to the spiritual life.
We also need to prepare to make our Easter duties - Confession and Holy Communion from Ash Wednesday until Trinity Sunday.
The Mass on Sunday at St. Patrick's, Bradford at 1.00 p.m. will be a Low Mass with confessions at call.
I am delighted to be able to report that again we will celebrate the Sacred Triduum this year at St. Patrick's and that each of the ceremonies will be sung. The times will be announced nearer to Holy Week.
Please remember Gloria Malone in your prayers. Gloria is often at at Mass at St. Patrick's but is suffering from pneumonia in the Infirmary at the moment.
Update: I understand that her condition is improving.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Epiphany V
Confessions will be available before Sunday's Low Mass for the fifth Sunday of the Epiphany at 1.00 p.m. at St. Patrick's, Bradford.
Next Sunday is Septuagesima Sunday which means we are soon to be on the countdown to Lent.