Thursday, September 30, 2010

St. Mary's Parish Mission at Halifax

Tonight I was fortunate enough to hear Fr. John Edwards SJ, preach about "Our Dead" and the Rosary.
The Blessed Sacrament was exposed by Fr. Smith at the start of the sermon which was given by Fr. Edwards, with the intention of praying for the Holy Souls and concluded with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
I remember attending a Parish Mission given by Fr. Edwards twenty five years ago and he has lost none of his eloquence and persuasiveness.
Whilst speaking of the Rosary, he said that we shouldn't be overburdened with thinking about the words of the Hail Mary but should think of them as the wheels of a train because they keep the thing moving and although we are fully aware that they are there we do not have to think about them.
EF Mass at Halifax on Saturday at 6.00p.m.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Interesting northern events

I reproduce the following because I heartily recommend it and hope to attend myself. Even the thought of such an event to be taking place in Newcastle would have brought sneers or laughter just a few years ago. The rolling snowball is gathering speed. I think this is a wonderful initiative hot on the heels of the Pope’s visit.

News from St. Joseph’s, Gateshead. Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

“In October we have arranged a 2-day Recollection on Friday (29th October) for clergy and on Saturday (30th October) for laity. The Saturday programme will be:

10.00 First Conference
10.40 Confessions
11.00 Second Conference
12.00 Solemn High Mass

The conferences for both clergy & laity will be given by Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP in St Joseph's Church, High West Street, Gateshead NE8 1LX.

The church is situated immediately opposite the Metro Interchange where Metro trains and buses from Newcastle and south of the Tyne arrive frequently.

Please make every effort to attend as Fr de Malleray is putting himself out greatly to make himself available.


Back here in Leeds Diocese I am delighted to learn that St. Mary’s, Halifax is to have a Parish Mission from Saturday 25th. September to Sunday 3rd October, to be preached by Fr. John Edwards of the Society of Jesus. As part of the Parish Mission Father Edwards, a formidable preacher and apologist, whom I remember warmly from my days at university, will preach on Confession at the 6.00p.m. Mass on Saturday 26th. September and there will be Mass with commentary on Saturday 2nd. October. The daily themes, between these Masses are:

Can we be sure in what we believe?, Conversion - a daily duty, How can God allow evil? And Our dead and Christ’s life in us.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A superb day and a reflection

Having been on the road since 1.30a.m. this morning I am tired to say the least.

It has been a long but worthwhile day. Having seats just a few feet away from the Sanctuary, my eldest daughter and I found it just as easy to watch the Pontiff as to look at the big screens as his facial expressions were quite discernible. The Holy Father looked tired but remained strong throughout the two and a half hour long liturgy.

I was very moved by the Holy Father's very disarming humility, stamina and personal holiness. The sanctuary was filled with cardinals, archbishops and bishops, priests, deacons, altar servers, lay people, religious, readers and television and security people, but all eyes were on the Pope who commanded an incredible and awesome silence when he was speaking and celebrating the Mass. The Pope spoke to my heart and stirred and moved me in a way I seldom experience. My daughter was moved to tears 6 times during the papal liturgy.

The liturgy itself wasn't the sort of thing I would normally go for but it was, as one would expect, very dignified and there were no shocking gimmicks or dancing youngsters in leotards waving smoking dishes and bits of cloth, which seemed to be such a feature of previous papal liturgies.
What was very refreshing and inspiring was that those selected to receive Jesus in Holy Communion from the Servant of the Servants of God again did so kneeling and on the tongue. If this is not a clear message then I do not know what is. Let us take note!

As we were the first to get onto the bus back to the car park in Wythell we were amongst the first to get out of the car park and were home by 3.30p.m. An hour's snooze on the couch took away the groginess as did another hour after dinner! It had been a round trip of about 270 miles.
Sheer joy.

Praise to the Holiest in the height!
God bless and keep our Pope!
Blessed John Henry Newman, pray for us!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Exaudi, Christe!

Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!

Exaudi, Christe. Ecclesiae Sanctae Dei salus perpetua. Redemptor mundi, Tu illam adjuva!

Exaudi, Christe. Benedicto summo Pontifici et universali Papae vita! Salvator mundi, Tu illum adjuva!
Sancte Petre, Tu illum adjuva!  Rex regum!  
Sancte Paule, Tu illum adjuva!  Rex noster!
Christe, spes noster! Tu illam adjuva!

Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!

Exaudi, Christe. Ecclesiae Sanctae Dei salus perpetua. Redemptor mundi, Tu illam adjuva!

Exaudi, Christe. Benedicto summo Pontifici et universali Papae vita! Salvator mundi, Tu illum adjuva!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

The invited pilgrim

I am looking forward to the visit to Cofton Park next week to witness the Pope beatifying Cardinal John Henry Newman. I received my information pack yesterday and was interested to see the above "helpful terms", which I didn't feel were particularly helpful. Indeed I thought that they were positively unhelpful.
What was interesting was the request to concelebrating clergy to bring alb, amice and cincture, something which also surprised one or two priests I know to whom I've spoken this weekend.
This said the papal flag is now fluttering gently outside the bedroom window, where it will remain until Pope Benedict is safely back in Vatican territory.

God bless the Pope!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Masses this weekend

Saturday (Vigil Mass) St. Mary's, Halifax, 6.00p.m.
Sunday (Low Mass) St. Joseph's, Pontefract, 3.00p.m.
Sunday (Missa Cantata) St. Peter's, Leeds Road, Bradford, 3.00p.m.


This last week has been my first full week back at school. Again my department's results were very good and I have enjoyed teaching all my classes.
At home I am also in the process of a huge sort out of books and papers. I have already filled 8 black rubbish bags for recycling and have selected a lot of things to take to the charity shop. The shredder was red hot.

Feeling shredded myself I am taking my sons and their friend to the National Railway Museum at York tomorrow morning. I'm already looking forward to an extra couple of hours in bed on Sunday, which I shall be denied next week as I shall, God willing, be at the Pope's Mass in Cofton Park.
Needless to say my prayers at Mass this weekend will be for a wonderfully successful Papal visit. I am now really looking forward to the visit and to listening to what the Pope says.

God bless the Pope!