Saturday, November 27, 2010

Missa Cantata

Today's first Vigil Mass at Batley, St. Mary of the Angels, Crossbank Rd. at 3.00p.m will be a Missa Cantata and the celebrant will be Fr. D. Smith, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy.

This will be the first Mass of Advent.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Server training

From Hexham and Newcastle:

"The LMS in the north is arranging training for servers (adults & boys) in York. The suggested date is 12th February 2011 at English Martyrs Church, Dalton Terrace, York. If that dates proves unviable then the alternative will be February 19th.

It is expected to begin at 10.30am and, depending on the attendees, could encompass training for both Low Mass & Missa Cantata. We are looking to attract servers from the northern dioceses.

Anyone interested from Hexham & Newcastle diocese please contact me by email at: or by telephone on 0191 264 5771.

Paul Waddington (LMS Treasurer) is setting up the session & anyone else wishing to attend should, in the first instance, contact their LMS Diocesan Representative."

Please contact me (e-mail address in right hand column) if you are interested in attending. I am tutoring one of the sessions and one of my sons will be attending.

First Sunday of Advent Masses

No Gl. Cr Pr of the Holy Trinity.

Masses this weekend for the First Sunday in Advent.

Saturday 3.00p.m. St. Mary of the Angels, Crossbank Road, Batley.
Saturday 6.00p.m. St. Mary, Gibbett Street, Halifax.

Sunday 3.00p.m. St. Joseph, Pontefract Road, Castleford.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Requiems for our war dead - reminder

Today is Remembrance Sunday. One Requiem Mass may be
celebrated for those who died in the two World Wars. This should be
Mass on the anniversary. Black vestments. No Gl. Collect, Secret & Postcommunion as given in plural form. Sequence No Cr
Pr of the Dead Requiescant in Pace. No Blessing

Please see previous post below for details of times and locations.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Something rotten in Spain

The King of Spain displays more respect to Pope than his wife did when receiving Holy Communion.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Requiems for our war dead

Requiem Masses this weekend;

Vigil. Halifax, St. Mary's, Gibbett Street, Saturday 6.00p.m.

Missa cantata, Bradford, St. Peter's, Leeds Road, Laisterdyke, Sunday 3.00p.m.
Low Mass, Castleford, St. Joseph's, Pontefract Rd. Sunday 3.00p.m.

Please join us as we remember all those poor brave souls who have given their lives in conflict to defend us.

May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

I have often attended the playing of the Last Post at the Menin Gate in Ieper. I always find it deeply touching and moving.

Friday, November 5, 2010

First Mass this month

I have spent most of the last five days in bed, this evening I was able to attend Mass at Heckmondwike, to make up for having had to miss Mass on All Souls and for not getting to Mass for the feast of St. Charles Borromeo yesterday - hence picture.

This (rather overlooked ) first Friday of the month Mass was well attended.

There will be no Mass at Heckmondwike next Friday (12th.)

Masses on Saturday 6th. November;
Broughton at 9.30a.m.
Vigil St. Mary's Halifax at 6.00p.m.

On Sunday and Vigil; Sun 7 FIFTH SUNDAY remaining after EPIPHANY 2 Cl G
Gl Cr Pr of the Holy Trinity
Introit, Gradual, Alleluia Verse, Offertory & Communion of the
Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost: Collect, Epistle, Gospel,
Secret & Postcommunion of the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany.

Broughton Hall, nr Skipton (Missa cantata) at 11.30a.m.
St. Joseph's, Pontefract Rd. Castleford at 3.00p.m.

(If you are reading this and would like tickets to the the Mass at Wakefield chantry chapel on 30th. December please approach any of the servers or clergy at Broughton on Sunday, Halifax on Saturday or Castleford on Sunday, where I will take details and this will be announced. )

Other Sunday Masses:
Holy Name of Jesus, Oxford Road, Manchester at 4.00p.m.
English Martyrs, Dalton Terrace, York at 6.30p.m.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Check it out

If you get a chance take a look at the new look LMS website - it can be found at;

I particularly like the Mass locator and the "feel" of the site.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Congratulations to the Very Reverend Timothy Wiley new Dean for North Leeds.
Dean Wiley is also the Extraordinary Form Co-ordinator for this diocese.

Father is pictured here offering Mass in the Cathedral last year for the repose of the soul of Bishop Wheeler. Fr Wiley had already been the first priest to offer the EF Mass in the newly refurbished Cathedral with the permission of former Cathedral Dean, Canon McCreadie who has also since been trained by Fr. Parfitt to offer the EF Mass and has offered several Sunday Masses for us.

We are fortunate in Leeds to have so many recently trained celebrants as well a seasoned old hands.

One of the problems we do have is a lack of regular altar servers as the number of Masses continues to steadily grow. For this reason I have teamed up with the reps of Middlesbrough and Hexham & Newcastle Dioceses to organise a servers' training day. Initially this will be for instruction in the serving of the Low Mass and we hope will be in York early 2011 for men and boys of secondary school age. Watch this space. In the meantime if you are a celebrant who knows of any such fellows who might benefit from such training please contact me (or Fr. Wiley).

Prayers please

I am currently in bed with orders by my GP to remain here for at least three days with a diet of light soup, toast and soft boiled eggs. I have contracted a "fulminant" throat and chest infection. I was unable to continue driving home from Mass at the weekend. I shall answer e-mails asap and continue to take the horse pills.
Back to bed and my thriller "The Night of the Generals", with hot milk and honey with a slug of rum and grated nutmeg, which is probably not medicinal but feels good when you feel crummy.

Any prayers gratefully received.