Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Still in Septuagesima

Next Sunday is Quinquagesima and we remain in the time of Septuagesima which is an ancient time of preparation in the Church for Lent. It was abolished after thirteen hundred years in the wake of the Counsel. The following is a video from the Latin Mass Society explaining the origins of this time of preparation. It is interesting that this time pre-dates Ash Wednesday. Copy and paste the following link:

Mass today at Pateley Bridge was well attended and we were glad to greet the Vicar of the local Anglican parish. Father Parfitt spoke passionately about the plight of Christians in the Middle-East, especially Syria, as he offered Mass in honour of Our Lady Help of Christians and highlighted why we seek Our Lady's intercession.

Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us.
Saints of God, come to our aid.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Half term

Already we are half way through the school year and on Tuesday at 11.00 a.m. we have our Mass at Bewerley Grange Chapel, Pateley Bridge. This will be a Missa cantata. Many thanks to Sr. Mary Cuthbert and Fr. Parfitt for again enabling us to have Mass in this Grange chapel established by the Cistercians of nearby Fountains Abbey.