Sunday, April 27, 2014

Saints Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, pray for us

Divine Mercy Sunday, Low Sunday, Dominica in albis, Quasimodo Sunday has as its Gospel the incredulous Thomas, who utters those amazing words - My Lord and my God! - when he realises that the body, blood, soul and divinity of the risen Lord is before him - burning with love.

11.00 a.m. Sacred Heart, Broughton Hall, near Skipton
3.00 p.m. St. Joseph's, Pontefract Rd. Castleford

Thursday, April 24, 2014


It appears that some querulous individuals from a neighbouring diocese have started up their old proud antics again - refusing to leave church after Mass and now more alarmingly - verbally abusing some of the clergy. This is not acceptable. The information about these unfortunate people has been passed on to various authorities to appraise and moreover to warn them of the activities of this insidious minority.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

The Triduum is over for another year. The Lenten fast is over for another year. Easter is here. Deo gratias, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

I am extremely grateful to Fr. Kravos for letting us use the chapel again and to the serving team for carrying out their duties with enthusiasm and gravitas. Thanks also, of course, to Fr. Hall for the punishing hard work he has done over the last three days, travelling, offering the Masses, preaching and hearing confessions. Please pray for Father's sister, whose pleasure it was this evening to be received into the Church by her brother.
Thanks to Mike Murphy for his excellent singing at the vigil and to all those who made the effort to attend the ceremonies.

Masses on Easter Sunday - 11.00 a.m. Sacred Heart, Broughton Hall near Skipton
                                         3.00 p.m. St. Joseph's, Castleford
                                         4.00 p.m. Holy Spirit, Heckmondwike

Monday, April 14, 2014


Thanks to Mgr Wilson, the Apostolic Administrator, we are again able to celebrate the Sacred Triduum this year at NOTRE DAME chapel, St. Mark's Avenue, Leeds LS2 9BN , which is part of the Catholic Chaplaincy to the University of Leeds. Thanks again to the chaplain Father Kravos and moreover to our celebrant Father M. Hall.

Maundy Thursday   7.30 p.m.

Good Friday  3.00 p.m.

Holy Saturday  2.30 p.m. (by special dispensation)

Masses also at Broughton Hall near Skipton on Spy Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. and on Holy Thursday at 5.15 p.m.

Confessions available before all Masses.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Good news for St. Walburge's, Preston

It was very pleasing to learn this morning that the church of St. Walburge in Preston (Lancaster diocese) has been given over to the charge of the Institute of Christ the King, on a similar basis as to that which operates in the Wirral's Saints Peter, Paul and Philomena (Diocese of Shrewsbury). The church will become a place of Eucharistic adoration and the Institute will take over the daily running of the church later in the year.