This year the second Sunday of Advent is overridden by the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in the 1962 liturgical calendar. The feast was inaugurated in 1854 when Pope Pius IX finally promulgated the feast and declared our Lady's Immaculate Conception to be dogma, which we are bound to believe. To celebrate this wonderful feast we will be celebrating with another missa solemnis.
Music: Mass is "Missa Cum Jubilo" IX. The Credo is IV (one which I have never knowingly heard before at Mass). The Communion Motet is 'Ave Maria en Sol Mineur' by Cesar Franck. The recessional hymn will be O Purest of Creatures.
It has been wonderful to see such increased numbers at Mass over recent months, please help to continue this trend and thanks as always to our clergy Revv Hall, Frantisek and Wiley.