The Latin Mass Leeds blog is here to raise awareness of the activity related to the Extraordinary Form of Mass (also known as the Traditional Latin or Tridentine Mass) in the Diocese of Leeds and to promote and publicize other issues of interest to traditionally minded Catholics. This blog has no official links with any other organisations.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A good Sabbath

Friday, September 26, 2008
Stunning picture
The Catholic Times.....now up
In the morning when my annoyance has passed I shall go to the newsagent's to see if THIS week's papers have come. Regardless of whether or not they have I shall cancel my order with them. Problems solved.
After Mass tomorrow afternoon at Batley, I expect a trip to Borders at Birstall for coffee and browsing. A school trip to Cologne before Christmas is now in the offing so I shall also be preparing the necessary documentation for this at some point tomorrow and I have to establish links with possible partner schools in Germany.
My tiredness has now passed!
Masses this weekend
Mass tomorrow at St. Mary's, Crossbank Rd., Batley is at 3.00p.m.
and at St. Marie's, Gibbet Street, Halifax at 6.00pm.
And on Sunday at Our Lady of Lourdes, Cardigan Rd., Leeds at 3.00p.m.
and at St. Joseph's, Pontefract Rd., Castleford also at 3.00p.m
Next Friday is First Friday. Mass preceded by Confessions at St. Mary's, Batley at 7.30p.m.
October is the month of the Holy Rosary, please remember to offer a decade or two for the Holy Father.
8.15p.m. and I'm ready for bed.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Training and Mass in Halifax
Five minutes later Father Smith was engaged in attending to the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to the strains of O Salutaris, before heading to the confessional for 40 minutes. At 11.05 I took the milk and music scores down to St. Alban's. Back at St. Marie's for 11.25a.m. I went to Confession and then headed back to St. Alban's having checked that there were no late-comers.
St. Marie's is a Parish where the Sacraments predominate. As well as welcoming and encouraging the Traditional Latin Mass each week there are Masses offered regularly in Polish and of course in English. The parishioners are warm-hearted people and Bridget and Tony who act as sacristans are wonderfully efficient and devoted people.
Mike Murphy worked us very hard - and himself even more so. At lunch he was able to recall his fond memories of Dr. Mary Berry at whose Requiem he sang in May at St. Birinus, Dorchester-on-Thames, where our old friend Fr. John Osman is P.P. .
Fr. Smith joined us immediately after lunch and sang his parts - namely the Asperges, intoning of the Gloria and Credo and the Ite missa est. We decided we would sing Faith of our Fathers after the prayer for the Queen.
The Mass itself was very uplifting and the newly formed little choir sang confidently and with expression under the direction of Mike Murphy.
Mike has agreed to lead another day probably in early 2009 - this time for the Mass Orbis factor, with Credo I and the Christus Vincit. Something in honour of our Blessed Lady will also be included. As the saying goes, please watch this space. This event will be in a different deanery. It has been suggested to me today that we take a different Mass setting to a different deanery each quarter - what could we do at the Cathedral's deanery Mass?
It was wonderful to hear the relatively large congregation raising the roof in singing Faith of our
Fathers at the end of Mass and thereby sounding the end of a busy and rewarding day. The day was initially financed by a bequest from the late Dorothy Simpson of York, who had strong links with Bradford, speaking both architecturally and clerically. But, without wishing to sound over-parochial, I must thank Angela and Jim for supplying the excellent snacks and nibbles and Joan's great organizational skills. I felt I was putting on weight looking at the coffee cake. Friday's lentil curry had (quite naturally) left me feeling somewhat full, but the coffee cake was too much of a temptation. I shall request a Mass be offered by Fr. Smith for the intentions of all those who made the day such a worthwhile experience.
So............ what went wrong?
I remembered the camera - but the batteries were flat (I have since found more pictures of our mental parsnip eating dog and the boys than I could shake a stick at on the camera - all taken before 7.00 a.m. this morning!); I remembered I had a cotta in the car, but forgot that my cassock and 25 new red Mass booklets and my cheque book were in a carrier bag under my desk as we breezed out of the door at 9.40 a.m. this morning. During Mass it occurred to me that my daughter could use her mobile 'phone to snap a few pictures - but as I was Master of Ceremonies it was impossible to even think of getting a message to her.
So what? It was a beautiful Mass.
Thanks be to Almighty God for such another busy and productive day.
Sorry about the absence of photos again.
God bless Pope Benedict XVI.
Friday, September 19, 2008
To update you: a busy day is a happy day :)
Meanwhile I have again been in contact with several people in Salford and I have discussed the Ushaw Training Conference with Mr. Waddington at length. On Thursday evening I attended the first Leeds Diocesan co-ordination meeting for the Extraordinary form. Interest has already been expressed by a number of parties about the Ushaw Conference. There is to be extended training of altar servers and plans for another chant workshop day even before we gauge the success of tomorrow's chant day in Halifax. There will be a Missa cantata at 6.00p.m. at St. Marie's, Gibbet Street, (behind PC World), Halifax.
I pray that the Leeds diocesan pilgrimage to Walsingham tomorrow (a glance at the clock tells me that tomorrow is already today) will win our Blessed Lady's favour and help those reading this blog to pray that this country be returned to her.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
God bless the Pope!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Looking to the weekend

Monday, September 15, 2008
A Feast to remember

This afternoon saw the first Mass of our regular second Sunday of the month Masses at St. Peter's, Leeds Road, Bradford. It was a Missa Cantata for Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and celebrated by Father Hall. Fr. Wiley sat in choir. We were made to feel very welcome by the sacristans who are both already looking forward to the next Mass, which will be a Missa Cantata. Fr. Wiley took the photo above before Mass began. Not visible in the photograph is the painted coat of arms of Pope John Paul I high above the tabernacle. I think this is the only church in England with such a painting. Incidently this church received a direct hit from a nazi bomb during the war. It dropped through the roof but failed to explode. In more recent times it has survived attempts to burn it down by local youths.
I shall be spending valuable time and resources to promote this regular Mass over the next couple of weeks especially in the local press.
Fr. Hall will be glad to offer the next Mass and we are most grateful to him. One lady told me she thought he was a right grand priest. In Yorkshire praise seldom comes better than that.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Missa cantata in Ashton-under-
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ushaw 2009

The Northern Priest's Training Conference about which I blogged a couple of days will take place at St. Cuthbert's Seminary, Ushaw near Durham from Tuesday 17th. - Friday 20th. February 2009. Further information and registration details to follow. Please pray for the success of this initiative which, like the Oxford Summer Conferences, would just a few years ago have been a mere fantasy. As Mr. Dylan sang many years ago - "The times they are a changin' ". How true. Deo gratias!
Reminder that there is a Missa Cantata this coming Friday at St. Ann's, Burlington Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, near Oldham at 7.30p.m.
Mass on Sunday - Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a Missa Cantata, to celebrate the anniversary of the coming into force of the Motu Proprio. This Mass will be at St. Peter's, Leeds Road, Bradford at 3.00p.m. It is to be the first of our regular second Sunday Masses at this church. Please do all you can to join us and raise the roof at the end of the Mass singing Faith of our Fathers! Clergy wishing to join us, please bring choir dress.
Diocese of Salford - Missa Cantata

God bless the Pope and please remember to pray for him as he heads off to France shortly. One or two blogs have referred to the news that he is to wear vestments belonging to a traditional French order. I wonder how long it will be before he offers the extraordinary form?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Reminder that this coming Sunday sees our first Mass at St. Peter's, Leeds Rd., Laisterdyke, Bradford. This Mass also marks the coming into force of the Holy Father's Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. The Mass will be a Missa cantata (sung Mass).
God bless His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI!
Saturday, September 6, 2008


Monday, September 1, 2008