The Latin Mass Leeds blog is here to raise awareness of the activity related to the Extraordinary Form of Mass (also known as the Traditional Latin or Tridentine Mass) in the Diocese of Leeds and to promote and publicize other issues of interest to traditionally minded Catholics. This blog has no official links with any other organisations.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Masses at Christmas
Christmas Eve First Mass of Christmas 3.00p.m. , St. Mary of the Angels, Cross Bank Rd. Batley.
Midnight Mass, St. Osmund's, Long Lane, Breightmet, Bolton.
Christmas Day, Low Mass,8.00a.m. English Martyrs, Alexandra Road South, Whalley Range, Manchester.
Christus natus est.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Celebrating success at the Cathedral and a prayer for life
Many thanks also to the celebrant, Fr. Timothy Wiley, diocesan co-ordinator for the TLM.
I would have reported sooner, but my internet connection is as useless as a chocolate fireguard at the moment.
I hope to sort this out soon, but will be on a school trip to Germany next week, which has been an organisational nightmare, also given that at school a quarter of the teaching staff is off sick. It has been a helter-skelter week.
Tomorrow I shall be going down to London for a Committee meeting with an agenda as long as my arm and a good thriller.
Sunday (Advent II) sees Masses at Broughton(11.30a.m.), Heckmondwike(2.30p.m.), Castleford(3.00p.m.), and also on Saturday at Halifax(6.00p.m.).
I have just received an urgent prayer request for a young woman who attended an appointment today for an abortion, but seeing the heartbeat on the scan asked time to reconsider her choice.
She is now thinking about it again. Storm heaven with prayers of thanks that a new life was not exterminated and that its temporary reprieve may eventually allow for the grace of a natural death many years from now.
Regina pacis, ora pro nobis.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Prayer requests
For almost a year I have been taking a former popular traditional Catholic blogger to Masses in Halifax and on occasion to Broughton on a weekly basis. On her own blog, now defunct, she charted her (amongst many other things) process of falling in love with the Traditional Rite of Mass, which never precluded her attendance at the novus ordo Mass. JT is now in Italy at the house for the many postulants her chosen order receive each year. I hope she can now focus her previously restless heart and do beautiful things for God.
Please remember to pray for those for whom nobody prays and the suffering souls in purgatory in these closing days of November.
Mother of the sick and our refuge in grief, Pray for us.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Reminder - Mass at Leeds Cathedral

A reminder that there will be a sung Mass of Requiem at the Cathedral on Saturday 28th. November at 3.00p.m. This Mass will be for the repose of the soul of Bishop Wheeler. At my request in the past Masses have been offered for Cardinals Hinsley and Heenan, but not on this scale.
I have fielded a number of telephone calls on this subject and hope it will be a memorable occasion. There will be absolution at the catafalque following the Mass.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Missa cantata in candlelight
This evening I acted as MC at the sung Mass at Batley. It was a moving occasion. The schola sounded excellent, the young severs managed to concentrate very well for the entirety of the Mass and absolution at the catafalque.
The sanctuary and high altar were alight with flickering red candles, in dimmed light.
The other candles providing the light in church were from the altar and around the catafalque and the flickering votives at the side altars.
I was (even as MC), able to concentrate more on the Mass itself than actually serving it.
Please remember the suffering souls in purgatory and that on Sunday there is a sung Mass of Requiem for our war dead at St. Peter's, Leeds Road, Bradford, at 3.00p.m.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Today's Mass at Bewerley
It was very nice to see Canon O'Hara the PP in attendance and four servers. One lady had come from Pocklington and a couple from south Manchester.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Christ the King
Friday, October 23, 2009
Extra All Souls Mass
The All Souls Mass is one of a growing list in this Diocese.
God bless the Pope!
Busy weekend ahead
Saturday 9.30a.m. Broughton Hall
Saturday 11.30a.m. Holy Spirit, Heckmondwike
Saturday 3.00p.m. St. Mary's, Batley
Saturday 6.00p.m. St. Marie's, Halifax
Sunday 3.00p.m. St. Joseph's, Castleford
Sunday 6.00p.m. Our Lady of Lourdes, Cardigan Rd. Leeds.
News of further planned Masses to follow.
Mass (sung) on Tuesday at 11.30a.m. Bewerley Grange Chapel, Pateley Bridge.
Saturday, October 17, 2009

I am writing this post on my new computer. Both my old laptop and desktop have recently died on me and internet connection has been a bit of a hit and miss business. And still is!
Photo above is simply for illustrative purpose and has nothing to do with Leeds Diocese or Latin Masses offered there.
Quick reminder
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Deo gratias!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Following all that great news...

Ofsted has given my school 24 hour notice of inspection to begin on Monday 8.40a.m. until Tuesday 4.10p.m. Totally confident of my ability to teach well, my only worry is that all the mind boggling paperwork on my desk, the sitting room floor, the dining table, my bedroom floor, the car boot and more worryingly, on my lost memory stick, will be in some sort of order before Monday. St. Anthony, pray for me. St. Joseph, inspire me!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Regular Sunday Mass
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
More good news

I had a very productive telephone conversation this evening with Mgr. Moger and subject to confirmation a sung Mass of Requiem will take place in the Cathedral in November.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Ave, ave, ave Maria

Thursday, October 1, 2009
New venue
A reminder that the annual torchlight procession at Batley will take place on Monday (5th. October), starting in Batley Market Square at 7.30p.m. There follows a procession from the Market Place to the church where the Bishop will give Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. If the event proves to be anything like the last two years it will be a wonderful occasion and an outstanding opportunity to bear witness to our Holy Faith in public and give honour to our Heavenly Mother in this month of the Holy Rosary.
The Parish Priest, Fr. Wiley, Diocesan Co-ordinator for the EF, has told me about the incredible amount of work which goes into this event. Please support it.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Benedict XVI bound for Britain

Friday, September 18, 2009
Just had to post this

Ego volo celebrare Missam iuxta ritum sanctae Romanae ecclesiae, ad laudem omnipotentis Dei, totiusque ecclesiae triumphantis, ad utilitatem meam, totiusque ecclesiae militantis, pro omnibus qui se commendaverunt orationibus meis in genere et in specie, ac pro felici statu sanctae Romanae ecclesiae.
I intend to celebrate Mass according to the rite of the holy Roman Church, to the praise of the almighty God and of the whole Church triumphant, for my benefit and that of the whole Church militant, for all who have commended themselves to my prayers in general and in particular, and for the happy estate of the holy Roman Church.
Taken from Fr Zuhldorf's WDTPRS I thought I must share the sheer purity of this prayer, given the words recently directed by our Holy Father to the South American Hierarchy on their ad limina visit to Rome.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
2nd. anniversary of Summorum Pontificum
Saturday, September 5, 2009
200th. post
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Getting back into the swing ....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Happy Feastday!

As I get older, the Feast of the Assumption, which is one of my absolute favourites, seems to come around faster and faster. At Mass this evening in Halifax, Fr. Smith spoke eloquently on the subject and pointed out that the absence of original sin made Her able to be assumed, body and soul, into heaven at the end of Her earthly life. I remember Fr. Charles Doughty drawing the same conclusions at a Traditional Mass he offered on August 15th. 1985. This Mass was a first for many years on that feast in England and at St. John's, Buttershaw, Bradford. I can still remember the delight of people who came from Manchester at the Mass, people with whom I still remain in touch.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Nearly there..
The past few weeks have been as interesting as they have been busy if not exhausting, considering the heatwave and there is still a lot to do before the break.
In the meantime a couple of reminders and notices.
No Mass at Heckmondwike on Saturday 11th. July.
Mass at Halifax, Saturday 11th. July. 6.00p.m.
Mass at St. Peter's, Leeds Rd. Bradford, 3.00p.m.
Mass at Markenfield Hall on Wednesday 15th. July 7.00p.m. (Just south of Ripon on the main Ripon - Harrogate Road.)
It was lovely to see Fr. Lister, who celebrates his Golden Jubilee this year, offer Mass again for us at Halifax on Pentecost's fifth Sunday . It has also been great to hear the EF Mass at the Catholic Chaplaincy at the University of Bradford. This means that the Traditional Mass has been offered in the last twelve months at the University chaplaincies of Bradford, Leeds and TASC at Horsforth. High, Sung and Low, in fact!
High Mass of Requiem was offered on Monday 15th June at Halifax for the repose of the soul of Fr. Charlie Holmes who died in April (RIP). This Mass coincided with the 52nd. anniversary of Fr. Holmes' ordination to the Priesthood in Lisbon in 1957.
One little story I would wish to share about Fr. Holmes which got under Fr. David Smith's radar (he preached the panegyric) was the time when Bishop Wheeler went to St. John the Evangelist's in Bradford to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. Fr. H was then the PP there. As the Bishop was offered the customary lemon juice and bread to cleanse his thumb at the conclusion, the good and kindly bishop turned from the ritual and was heard to remark words to the effect that he had never thought of using a Jif Lemon squeezy, let alone seen it. Charlie was very proud about it all, as he himself sometimes recalled. He heard my confession for years and was always as direct, simple and practical in his approach.
I am grateful to the editor of the diocesan Catholic Post who has published the address of this blog site in the paper along with details of many of the regular venues of the TLM and who published such a fine obituary for Fr. Holmes.
The year of St. Paul has drawn to its end and we now celebrate the year of the Priesthood, as instituted by His Holiness the Pope. Firstly let us pray for the Pope and for all those good men who have offered their lives to the service of the Church by their priestly ministry. We should also ask God for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood. There is little doubt that there is great vibrancy in the Church at large with regard to restoring the Traditional Mass. The Pope desires that both Rites co-exist within the context of one Faith, one Truth, one Church, one Pontiff and that none of these should be out of harmony with each other.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Masses over the next few days
Holy Spirit, Bath Road Heckmondwike, 11.30a.m.
St. Marie's, Gibbett Street, Halifax, 6.00p.m.
Sunday; St. Peter's, Leeds Road, Bradford, Missa cantata, 3.00p.m.
St. Joseph's, Pontefract Road, Castleford, 3.00p.m.
Monday; Broughton Hall, 9.30a.m.
St. Marie's, Gibbett Street, Halifax, 7.30p.m. Solemn Requiem for Fr. Holmes.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
A very busy week
On Tuesday it was lovely to be back at Bewerley Grange chapel, Pateley Bridge for a missa cantata for the feast of St. Augustine of Canterbury. Fr. Parfitt offered the Mass and the Parish Priest joined the congregation once again.
Masses on Sunday for the Feast of Pentecost are at Our Lady of Lourdes, Cardigan Road, Leeds at 3.00p.m. The celebrant will be Canon McCreadie, former Dean of the the Cathedral and now Parish Priest of St. Paul's, Leeds.
At the same time Fr. Durcan will be offering Mass at St. Joseph's, Pontefract Rd., Castleford.
Next Friday is the First Friday of June - the Month of the Sacred Heart.
Masses at Seacroft, 9.15a.m., Broughton, 9.30a.m. and Batley, 7.30p.m. (preceded by confessions).
Reminder of the forthcoming Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St. Marie's, Halifax on Monday 15th. June, for the Repose of the soul of Fr. Charles Holmes, at 7.30p.m.
Please pray for the young men ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in Nebraska, America for the Society of St. Peter today. One of them, an Englishman, Fr. Goddard will be offering his first Mass in England later in June. Ad multos annos!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Mass at Batley this afternoon was well attended as was the Missa Cantata at Halifaxthis evening. Many thanks to Mr. Forbester and his Rudgate singers for a magnificent contribution to the dignity and solemnity of the occasion.
Holiday treats
Missa cantata on Tuesday, 26th. May, 11.30a.m. at Bewerley Grange chapel, Pateley Bridge.
Friday, May 15, 2009
From Rorate Caeli

What happened here in Nazareth, far from the gaze of the world, was a singular act of God, a powerful intervention in history, through which a child was conceived who was to bring salvation to the whole world. The wonder of the Incarnation continues to challenge us to open up our understanding to the limitless possibilities of God’s transforming power, of his love for us, his desire to be united with us. Here the eternally begotten Son of God became man, and so made it possible for us, his brothers and sisters, to share in his divine sonship. That downward movement of self-emptying love made possible the upward movement of exaltation in which we too are raised to share in the life of God himself (cf. Phil 2:6-11).
The Spirit who “came upon Mary” (cf. Lk 1:35) is the same Spirit who hovered over the waters at the dawn of Creation (cf. Gen 1:2). We are reminded that the Incarnation was a new creative act. When our Lord Jesus Christ was conceived in Mary’s virginal womb through the power of the Holy Spirit, God united himself with our created humanity, entering into a permanent new relationship with us and ushering in a new Creation.
The narrative of the Annunciation illustrates God’s extraordinary courtesy (cf. Mother Julian of Norwich, Revelations 77-79). He does not impose himself, he does not simply pre-determine the part that Mary will play in his plan for our salvation: he first seeks her consent. In the original Creation there was clearly no question of God seeking the consent of his creatures, but in this new Creation he does so. Mary stands in the place of all humanity. She speaks for us all when she responds to the angel’s invitation. Saint Bernard describes how the whole court of heaven was waiting with eager anticipation for her word of consent that consummated the nuptial union between God and humanity. The attention of all the choirs of angels was riveted on this spot, where a dialogue took place that would launch a new and definitive chapter in world history.
Mary said, “Let it be done to me according to your word.” And the Word of God became flesh.
When we reflect on this joyful mystery, it gives us hope, the sure hope that God will continue to reach into our history, to act with creative power so as to achieve goals which by human reckoning seem impossible. It challenges us to open ourselves to the transforming action of the Creator Spirit who makes us new, makes us one with him, and fills us with his life. It invites us, with exquisite courtesy, to consent to his dwelling within us, to welcome the Word of God into our hearts, enabling us to respond to him in love and to reach out in love towards one another.
Benedict XVI
Vespers (Nazareth)
May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Sunday sung Mass in Bradford.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Blessed English Martyrs, pray for us

Tomorrow (Monday) is the Feast of the Blessed English Martyrs.
Who could deny that the inspiration of these heroic victims has been a bedrock to so many in recent years as we have seen the Church attacked from within and without?
As a result of a conversation with Fr. Abberton at Ushaw I have been doing some very enjoyable internet research on St Edmund Arrowsmith.
Mass at Broughton Hall at 9.30a.m.
Friday, May 1, 2009
St. Joseph the worker, pray for us.

First Friday
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A good lead

Certain pieces of very exciting pieces of information have come my way in the last couple of days which will give me plenty more to pray for during this month dedicated to our Blessed Queen and Mother.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our most gentle Queen and Mother look down in mercy upon England, thy dowry, and upon us who greatly hope and trust in thee.
By thee it was that Jesus, our Saviour and our hope was given unto the world; and He has given thee to us that we might hope still more.
Plead for us thy children, whom thou didst receive and accept at the foot of the cross, O Sorrowful Mother, Intercede for our separated brethren, that with us in the one true fold, they may be united to the Chief Shepherd, the Vicar of thy Son.
Pray for us all, dear Mother, that by faith, fruitful in good works we may all deserve to see and praise God, together with thee in our heavenly home.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Feels like Heaven?
One priest said that the Mass pictured above was like heaven to him. I would love to see this picture on the front of a future edition of Mass of Ages. Another person said it would be a wonderful Christmas card.
There is a traditional pulse beating strongly in the frozen north and the torrid south.
Deo gratias!
God bless the Pope!

Mass at Bewerley
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Walking on sunshine
To see nine altars being used simultaneously for morning private Masses was a wonderful and memorable sight.
A letter was read out from Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos in praise of the LMS's endeavours to offer training in the rubrics of the 1962 Rite of Mass.
The ripples of Ushaw 2009 will be felt for quite a while.
Deo Gratias!
God bless the Pope!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
On the road
Fr. Wiley and Father David Smith are both on the staff with a good number of Leeds priests attending as students. Fr. Wiley e-mailed me earlier today to say how well things were going and said that yesterday's High Mass was as he imagined heaven to be.
I am looking forward to going up to Ushaw and to re-establishing links with clergy who attended the Oxford Conference in the summer, who have returned to learn the next step and to get to know the new faces with a view to providing support in the future as they make the EF of the Mass a part of their regular ministry, as do so many of our clergy now in these post Summorum Pontificum days.
God bless the Pope!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Divine Mercy Sunday

In the same deanery but at St. Joseph's , Pontefract later at 6.30p.m. there will be the reception of the body of Fr. Holmes followed by Holy Mass in the OF. Bishop Roche will officiate at the Requiem Mass on Monday.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Easter
On Good Friday I woke up with gout.
This has been extremely painful. I have been unable to drive and have spent the best part of the last two days in bed with an uncovered elevated foot, -perhaps also feeling slightly relieved at the rest it has afforded.
I now have to prepare and wrap 20 sets of Vestments, 10 sets of candlesticks, cruets, lavabo bowls and towels, having already dispatched 6 missal stands. I now need to print and laminate 10 sets of vesting prayers, prayers at the foot of the altar and Leonine prayers, prepare markers for 10 missals and set the missals and prepare these for dispatch for Low Week training conference for priests to be held next week at Ushaw.
I hope it's wet tomorrow!
God Bless the Pope!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Holy week begins

There have been several Masses over the weekend in the Traditional Rite for Palm Sunday.
Mass in the newly decorated resplendent church of St. Marie's Halifax was preceded by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturday.
This morning in beautiful weather we had an open air procession at Broughton. The beautiful Mass witnessed the collapse of a regular attendee before Holy Communion. I have since been in touch with him and he is back at home. Father Parfitt administered a particle of the Host to him and he came round.
There was also Mass at Castleford this afternoon. This church has some of the most beautiful windows I have seen in a church of this era.
The Passion read at Mass today is a preview of what we are to re-live this week. Preparations are well underway for the Triduum to be held at Notre Dame Chapel, Leeds. See the sidebar for details.
Sad news

Friday, April 3, 2009
Archbishop Nichols

A productive meeting

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Learn liturgical Latin?

Sacred Heart, Broughton Hall, Skipton, 11.45a.m.
St. Joseph's, Pontefract Road, Castleford, 3.00p.m.
(N.B. No Mass at Heckmondwike)
Notre Dame Chapel, 5 St. Mark's Avenue, Leeds (near university) 7.30p.m.
Notre Dame Chapel, 5 St. Mark's Avenue, Leeds (near university) 3.00p.m.
Notre Dame Chapel, 5 St. Mark's Avenue, Leeds (near university) 7.30p.m.
St. Peter's, Leeds Road, Bradford. 3.00p.m.
St. Joseph's, Pontefract Road, Castleford. 3.00p.m.
Monday, March 23, 2009
New LMS Chairman and Treasurer

Friday, March 20, 2009
Another first
Monday, March 16, 2009
Feast of St. Patrick

I still remember when towards the end of the pregnancy serious abnormalities were detected we were offered "an alternative" procedure. The sheer bloody injustice of it revolts me to this day. Killing the patient is not the answer. We detested the work the consultant was doing and told him so politely but firmly. No abortion, thank-you.
The feast of St. Patrick also is a time when I think of those members of my family tree now long gone who came to England from Mayo and Sligo in the mid 1800s. The Churches of Ss. Mary, Joseph, Ann, Patrick and their daughter churches, schools and convents here in Bradford were all testimony to the Faith and sense of community of those often desperate and impoverished people.
Patrick is also one of my baptismal names, so I'm celebrating with a not so Irish curry!
Patrick Benedict, born and died March 17, 2001.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mass at Seacroft

Please pray for the success of this Mass and for Fr. Billington, who attended the LMS Summer Conference last year and had follow up sessions with Fr. Parfitt almost immediately.
Frs. O'Reilly and Harrison are both former P.P.s of this parish and were regular celebrants of the EF at Killingbeck in the time of Bishop Konstant.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rome has spoken

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Papal letter to Bishops with the fire and charity of St. Paul the Apostle

I have been charged by Mr. Waddington, chief organizer, with working with the Father Sacristan to co-ordinate the simultaneous celebration of Mass at 10 altars up to four times a day.
I am on the hunt for ten sets of Low Mass Vestments in red and white along with cruets, linen, candlesticks, candles, bells, lavabo dishes, chalices, cards, Missal stands and Missals with ribbons. I have one or two people in mind to help me. If you regularly read this blog you might be asked for a favour!
Until I get the gadget to download photos from the camera replaced, you will just have to imagine what a magnificent setting Ushaw is. The St. Cuthbert's chapel is totally stunning. Father Abberton asked me what I thought about the altar used for celebration of the New Mass. Having hardly noticed it I said that it hardly imposed. What did impose was the old high altar. It was quite a marvellous sensation to feel humbled before it. The altar represents Christ, the Lord. This is why it is blessed, consecrated, venerated, kissed, anointed with holy oil, doused in water, dressed, undressed, veiled and unveiled. In the tabernacle we behold the Manger in Bethlehem, the blessed fruit of Mary's womb, Christ crucified and resurrected. Like those wise men in search of the Manger so to we go to the tabernacle - to Christ - to the altar to find the Lord, we encounter Herods, Pilates and hostile people all the way to the tabernacle - whoever we are. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the obstacles. For me the words of a modern hymn spring to mind, when this is the case - "But then Lord I think of You and I am given strength, Walk with me O my Lord..." . When I was Head of Year at my last school I had the children sing this at exam times in assembly.
This Lent like every Lent, the days seem to to get longer sooner and yet things always seem harder. Through regular fast and abstinence I do believe we gain spiritual strength, even when we are hanging on by the tips of our fingers to resisting that glass of scotch, that cigarette, that chocolate, that keema dansak or bag of crisps and that when we fail we are no worse for starting again.
Tomorrow I have the second of a series of meetings to make arrangements for the Sacred Triduum as well as liturgical research and...yes more year 9 reports.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A restful Sunday

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Normal sevice....
There is excellent news about the Sacred Triduum about which I'll post in the next couple of days.
On Sunday there is the regular monthly Missa Cantata for Lent II at St. Peter's Leeds Road, Bradford at 3.00p.m. Mass will be preceded by Confessions and the Diocesan co-ordinator for the EF, Fr. Wiley will be in choir. Our regular celebrant Fr. Hall will sing the Mass.
At Castleford, also on Sunday, at 3.00p.m. we will welcome a new regular celebrant. Please make every effort to attend one of these Masses.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Ash Wednesday
Friday, February 20, 2009
Who is afraid of the big bad wolf?

Monday, February 16, 2009
The week ahead

Friday, February 13, 2009
Half term
My trip to Ushaw is scheduled for Wednesday and before that on Tuesday there is Mass at Bewerley Grange Chapel at 11.30a.m. This will be a Missa cantata. The medieval chapel of Bewerley is noble simplicity itself which comes alive whenever Mass is offered there.
This weekend there will be Mass at Broughton at 9.30a.m. at Heckmondwike at 11.30a.m. and at Halifax at 6.00p.m. on Saturday and on Sunday at Castleford at 3.00p.m.
Mass on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at Broughton Hall at 9.30a.m.
Please pray for one of the pupils at my school who was taken to hospital this afternoon having been stabbed at the bus stop after school. As yet I have no other details.
Monday, February 9, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009
First Friday
Monday, February 2, 2009
Snow for Candlemas

Saturday, January 24, 2009
News from Rome
I am sure that those who hear Mass tomorrow at the SSPX church in Keighley will feel that the Holy Father has gone a long way to address grievances referred to him by Bishop Fellay. I rejoice in the Lord for them that the path to dialogue has been opened.
Just after Summorum Pontificum was published a priest I know had been speaking to a Vatican Official at the time who had made no secret of the fact that the Motu proprio was in fact just a start to further Benedictine Reforms. It is a good time to be a Catholic.
Meanwhile I expect that there will be a lot of muck being thrown at the Pope given that Bishop Williamson is a holocaust denier, or would have us believe this. Bishop Williamson also has some unusual views about The Sound of Music.
How do you solve a problem like Richard?